609 Search results

For the term "delete".

How to Use the Secure Folder on your Galaxy M10

Do you want to hide or protect apps on your Samsung Galaxy M10 handset? We always dream of a fully encrypted space on our smartphone for storing data for our eyes only. The Galaxy M10 comes with the in-house Secure...

How to Hide Secure Folder on your Galaxy M20 Device

You’d like to show photos on your new Samsung phone to your friends, family, or colleagues, but don’t want them to see private information, such as some specific photos, banking information or your precious passwords. We’ve all been there, but...

How to Solve Vertex Wi-Fi Problems

It happens to everyone at some point in their lives: their wonderful and precious phone stops working as it should. Are you looking for a way to solve your current Vertex Wi-Fi problems? As I have seen so far, there...