7261 Search results

For the term "Android".

How to Turn Off Pokémon Go Augmented Reality

Are you also looking for a way to turn off the Pokémon Go Augmented Reality mode? Pokémon Go is an Augmented Reality game that combines the real world with a virtual one. As you know, the game uses your phone’s...

How to Use SoundCloud to Find Tracks you Like

With a constantly expanding mix of music uploaded to SoundCloud every day, this special app makes it simple to find tracks you like. The Upload utilizes machine learning to recommend music uploaded within the last few days, based on your...

How to Solve Galaxy S8 System UI Has Stopped Error

Samsung has taken Galaxy S8 to a whole new level in terms of design and functionality, but things are far from perfect. Following the company’s fix for that reddish screen tint issue comes the realization of so many other problems...

Learn to Solve Galaxy S8+ Screen Flickering Error

I know that your Galaxy S8+ Screen Flickering Error makes you think of the worst. However, let me assure you that there are cases wherein the screen flickering is caused by some factors other than a hardware problem and that...