523 Search results

For the term "Facebook".

How to Enable Voice Control on Moto X

Moto Voice is probably one of the most interesting features of Motorola’s Moto X. A while ago it was known as Touchless Control, but excepting the name difference, trust us when we are saying that it practically does the very...

Motorola Moto X: Take a Selfie with your voice Command

Motorola’s Moto X and its Droid Ultra, Maxx, as well as Mini brothers are a part of the first set of true “Google phones” since the Mountain View, Calif.-based search giant managed to acquire Motorola Mobility a year ago. Released...

Manage Calendar Events on your Galaxy S5

It is more than obviously that your Galaxy S5 shouldn’t look like everyone else’s. Feel free to make changes, experiment and find the best solutions that work for you and you only. Have you ever thought about the possibility of...