569 Search results

For the term "Galaxy S7".

Disable Doze for Specific Apps on your Galaxy S7

The feature that most were looking forward to use on Android Marshmallow is none other than Doze. Are things as good as initially claimed? Doze can truly be great if you want to save some battery life while your device...

Hide the Battery Percentage on the Galaxy S7 Edge

Like most Android manufacturers, Samsung’s TouchWiz UI isn’t the most inspired when it comes to the icon usage in your notification bar. While this is not even a problem for some users, many others want a cleaner look and are...

How to Hide Battery Percentage on Galaxy S7

The remaining battery power is not shown on the notification bar in the Galaxy S7, but you already know what steps to take in order to show Galaxy S7 Battery Percentage. Knowing exactly how much battery you have left is...

How to Reveal Battery Percentage on Galaxy S7 Edge

Android lacks the ability to see the battery percentage right in the status bar, but this become possible in Marshmallow. This is not implemented as it shoould have been and this is obvius even on Samsung’s devices such as Galaxy...

How to Turn off Galaxy S7 NFC

Your Galaxy S7 smartphone is one of a kind, that’s for sure, but its TouchWiz is still as bloated as ever and I bet that this is not what you have in mind. Samsung’s skinned version of Android has always been...

Learn to Enable WiFi Tethering on Sprint Galaxy S7

Many Android owners prefer a mobile network or a WiFi connection to connect to the Internet, but there are also exceptions. Others use a broadband connection while at home and switch to a mobile data connection when there is no...

How to Enable Double Tap to Sleep on Galaxy S7 Edge

Double Tap to Sleep and Double Tap to Wake are features of Android smartphones that become popular since they were first applied on one of LG’s devices. They essentially allow the phone to recognize the repetition of touches, where in...