332 Search results

For the term "OnePlus 3".

Wipe Cache Partition on Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus

Well, there is no secret that cache memory keeps on accumulating files and data throughout the time we run applications, so it continuously grabs a huge amount of memory. This eventually leads to many issues related to performance, including app...

How to Share AR Emoji on your Galaxy S9

The iPhone X’s animated emoji starred in a popular commercial and you can only imagine that Samsung wants in on that action, offering an Animoji rival with the Galaxy S9, in the form of AR Emoji. As you have already...

Discover Galaxy S9 AR Emojis

You already know that the Galaxy S9 smartphone is a solid upgrade over past Samsung phones and comes as the ideal choice for anyone who wants a very powerful device that looks gorgeous. Speaking of the camera, we first learned...

How Google Reply works on your Galaxy Note 8

I still remember when Google’s Area 120 division announced its intentions about an app that would add Smart Reply features to a number of popular messaging apps, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Allo. I am talking about Google Reply...

Get the Pixel Folder Style in Action Launcher

I never see Android as being simple places to put apps, but they are a part of Android launchers, having their own style and ease of usage. Creating a new folder on your home screen is often related to simply...