1290 Search results

For the term "message".

Track Data Usage By Netflix on Android

Services like Netflix consume a lot of bandwidth – the sooner you accept that, the better for you and your budget which I am sure that it is limited when it comes to video streaming. This isn’t a design flaw,...

Grab Online Videos with KeepVid APK

Are you looking for app and tools to grab online videos? Many of you already know the great benefits of KeepVid and this tool needs no further presentation. It simply requires you to copy and paste the link of the...

Learn to Use Twitter’s Tweet Thread Feature

Twitter threads (also known as tweetstorms), where someone posts a series of related Tweets one after the other gather mixed reactions: there are those who hate everything around them and those who love to post them. With videos, GIFS, amazing...

Learn to Transfer Files on Essential PH-1

Are you currently looking for a simple solution for file transfer? Is your wish one of sharing files from your Android phone to your computer even without USB cables? You probably know the fact that you can choose to use...