
Take Advantage of Google URL Shortener

Google had always offered an excellent option for shortening URLs —, but things are much better when you can do the very same thing with the help of an application. I am not the only one saying that and...

Update your Android Apps on Chromebook

The announcement of Android apps on Chrome OS was a major thing on Google I/O 2016 and we have all learned a lot since then. I personally got used to the idea of having Android apps running on my Chromebook,...

How to Use URL Manager on Android

Let me tell you more about an app an app that has three main purposes: to let you shorten, expand, and scan links. This is nothing new and many apps claim to do that, but none of them is like...

Use Ovo Timer, an Amazing Android Timer App

Android developers have a major problem these days: they create apps with tons of features, way too many from my point of view and they lose focus from the main functionality. For this very reason, there are many Android app...

Improve Productivity with the 5217 Android App

You are probably aware of the Pomodoro technique which is a time management technique that gives you the essential tip for an efficient work. It’s all about understating your potential and taking breaks. So, let’s just say that you work...