Ben Madison

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How to Use Speaker Boost on your Galaxy S8

The truth is that the speakers built into most phones aren’t exactly the best sounding things in the world. Especially with the lack of dual-speaker devices, the single tweeter in a phone cannot do its job as some users expect....

Clone Almost any App with 2Face

There are times when one account cannot fulfill the needs of multi-tasking and you think from the very beginning at one option that could solve the issue: having multiple online accounts. You can keep different accounts for different purposes, such...

Enjoy Dark Facebook APK on Android

Why we love Facebook so much? Well, this is an amazing social networking website that allows all its users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and let’s admit that we love to snoop around, keep in touch...

Hide Album Art on Lockscreen on Android

Android is pretty amazing and there are hundreds of reasons (literally) that make me say it and believe it. What about the Album Art on Lockscreen on Android? While many users have enjoyed its presence and never seemed to be...

Get HTC U11 Plus Launcher APK on your Android

With so many free launchers, the truth is that it is pretty difficult to compete in the Android Launcher space. Those paid popular options such as Nova Launcher Prime or Action Launcher V3 can truly make your day brighter, but...

How to Get FaceTime for Android with Line

FaceTime is one of the most exciting features that the iPhone and iPod touch have to offer and even us, as Android users, admit that there is something special about it. It is great to see the person you’re talking...