183 Search results

For the term "organize".

Turn On LG G5 NFC and Android Pay

Can my phone work with Android Pay? I’ve heard this question more than once and I totally get you. After so many reports and rumours, Google’s wireless payment service has made it possible to allow Android users to start paying...

Improve Productivity with the 5217 Android App

You are probably aware of the Pomodoro technique which is a time management technique that gives you the essential tip for an efficient work. It’s all about understating your potential and taking breaks. So, let’s just say that you work...

How to Use ListOut, a Basic To-do List Maker

Evernote is an amazing app especially designed for note taking, organizing, as well as archiving and you don’t need me to tell you how popular it really is. With the help of this app you can practically capture images, keep...

How to Get your Work Done with Android Kaizala

Microsoft is more than serious about its Android apps and Kaizala is another proof for that. This app is simply perfect for all those who think that they need some help when it comes to managing their everyday business on...

How to Change the Galaxy S7 App Grid

When you look at your Samsung Galaxy S7 home screen, you can see from the start that the apps are usually organized in rows and columns. This is generally known as screen grid as long as every single app icon...