2295 Search results

For the term "Update".

Disable Game Launcher notifications on Galaxy S8

The updated Game Launcher in the Galaxy S8 promises relaxation and fun, temporarily turning your phone into a handheld gaming console by disabling (most) mobile app notifications and smartphone controls. Game Launcher also lets you fine-tune the device’s hardware performance,...

How to Fix Galaxy S8 Plus Wireless Charging Issues

Shortly after the official launch of the Galaxy S8 Plus, a large of number of users took to online blogs to complain about bizarre red discoloration problems on their handset’s displays. However, this was only the beginning of a dark time...

How to Fix Samsung Galaxy S8+ Wi-Fi Issues

We have received quite a lot of complaints from our readers that suggest that Galaxy S8+ has the very same Wi-Fi Issues that we are so familiar with. Wi-Fi is not working on the handset, users are not able to...

Learn to Enable Galaxy S8 Motion Photos

Live Photos is a fun iPhone features that creates a “living” photo by attaching a short video clip to a photo, but don’t you imagine that your Galaxy S8 doesn’t have something similar. The truth is that the smartphone has...

Enjoy exclusive Play Music feature on your Galaxy S8

Like most Android device makers, Samsung has always had its custom music player on its phones. However, that’s changing with the Galaxy S8 model as both Google and Samsung have teamed up to make Play Music the default player on...

Enjoy New Release Radio on Galaxy S8+

With the launch of Galaxy S8+, Samsung announced that Google’s music app will become the preferred music player on Samsung mobile devices and I have nothing to complain about. Play Music was also the default music playback app on the...

Download Yalp Store for Installing Apps on Android

Don’t you want to download Yalp Store for installing apps on Android? The idea behind Yalp Store is to be independent from Google Services Framework. Yalp Store gives you the chance to download APKs and install updates directly from the...

Samsung Galaxy S8+: How to Uninstall Apps

The Galaxy S8+ comes with a huge number of Samsung and carrier-specific apps preinstalled. Some of these apps are helpful, while others are nothing more than a waste of space, so it is up to you what to do next....