887 Search results

For the term "color".

Add a shortcut to a Website on Android via Firefox

Thanks to our beloved Android smartphones, our lives are a lot easier. You can capture breath-taking moments, send emails, watch videos, make video calls and the list goes on and on. You have to admit that because everything goes so...

Solve Disappeared Pictures in LG V30 Gallery

If you have recently started to have issues with pictures disappearing randomly on your LG V20, let me tell you that the problem with the missing pictures on your LG smartphone is not a new thing. It happens on other...

Get Paid Themes on your Galaxy Device for Free

Android is everyone’s top choice and this comes as no surprise. We are free to customize each and every feature when it comes to the Android handset that sits in our pocket. Though many of these features are customization free...

Discover How Much your Android Phone is Worth

After a rapid grow of Android’s popularity over the past few years, we tend to want the very best and constantly update our phones. This is not enough though and many of us become the owners of new handsets at...

How to Use Google Chrome’s Split Toolbar Flag

The Chrome browser app on Android is something that we all love, but it’s terrible to use with just one hand. Google Chrome Duplex was Google’s answer to people’s repeated complaints regarding this aspect. We saw it reach the Canary...