5175 Search results

For the term "Time".

Disable Ads Personalization on your Galaxy S10

Your Galaxy S10 is a mini complex computer and can be a target for ads and other forms of malware. If you’re wondering how to secure it from threats, you arent the only one in this position. The truth is...

Install Android Q on your OnePlus 6 Device

Just like Google told us they would do, the start of May means it’s time for the next Android Q beta. Isn’t it a joy? Alongside Android Q Beta 3, Google also announced that for the second year in a...

How to Revoke Device Administrators on S10 Plus

With the release of the latest Android versions, all devices became easier to manipulate and customize according to personal needs. However, you can disable administrator rights on almost any Android device. Why should you decide to revoke Device Administrators on...

Disable Device Administrators on Galaxy S10

Device Administration is a feature that made its debut onto the Android platform with the introduction of Android 2.2 Froyo. Such a long time ago, some might say, but there’s no old news this time. The feature was there to...

Learn to Activate Wireless PowerShare on Galaxy S10 Plus

Things are quite unexpected with the S10 Plus handset. The popularity of the custom Galaxy S10 Plus series wallpapers led to Samsung creating its own official backgrounds. The company released no less than six designs that try accentuate the presence...

Disable Secure Wi-Fi on Galaxy S10 Smartphone

Have you heard about the Secure Wi-Fi feature? I bet that you did. When the phone detects that you are connected via a Wi-Fi network that it does not deem secure, you will be prompted to activate this feature. What...

Learn to Disable Administrator Privileges on Galaxy S10E

Selective Samsung devices provide corporations the option to manage devices distributed to employees and their authorization options. This includes the ability to turn off access to the Play Store or the option to install certain third-party apps. In fact some...

Turn Off Secure Wi-Fi Notifications on Galaxy S10 Plus

Samsung has a habit of throwing anything and everything in its software just hoping that we’ll like it. It doesn’t always happens like that. I must admit that Samsung’s OneUI is the most streamlined software experience the company ever baked...