1077 Search results

For the term "Photos".

It’s Easier than Ever to Switch to a OnePlus Device

Transferring all your contacts and personal data from your old phone to a new one used to be far from pleasant. These days, it’s a much simpler process and in some cases, migrating data between two devices doesn’t even require...

Snap Selfies to Create a Bitmoji Deluxe on Snapchat

Snap bought Bitstrips, the company behind Bitmoji back in 2016 and since then, it’s integrated Bitmoji into the Snapchat app and people love it. Snapchat is always full of surprises and just announced a new feature called Bitmoji Deluxe, coming...

Fix Galaxy S7 Incapacity of Opening files in SD card

Welcome to a new Galaxy S7 troubleshooting article for the day. This post answers some questions regarding your handset’s incapacity of opening files in SD card and I certainly hope that you’ll manage to change that. I know that you...

How to Hide Any File Inside an Image on Android

Data hiding using Cryptography is a reality of our days, even if only some of us want to admit it. Android users are professionals when it comes to hiding messages within innocent-looking photos and simple audio files from their phone...

Unlock Hidden Filters and Lenses in Snapchat

If you’re into Snapchat, don’t worry that there is something wrong with you. After all, who isn’t these days? You should consider taking a look at a new trick that lets you unlock Hidden Filters and Lenses in Snapchat. As...

How to Recover Contacts in LG V30

Your LG V30 smartphone suddenly crushes and there is no way to make it work again? Each of us has experienced such an unpleasant situation at least once in life and I know that you must think of one of...

Enable Google Lens on Android via a Magisk module

As you probably heard, you can use Google Lens to identify landmarks, save contact information from a business card, look up movies, books, and art, scan barcodes/QR codes, navigate to a certain address, and I know that all these sound...

How to Enable Google Lens on Android via TWRP

Are you a little bit jealous on Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL owners? They had some major display issue in the past few weeks, so maybe your envy has reduced, yet certain features remain truly desirable. When the...