120 Search results

For the term "passwords".

Enable Always-on-Display on your Huawei P20 Pro

Your Huawei P20 Pro has an Always On Display, similar to the Samsung Galaxy series, which can display various information details on the home screen. You can have your screen to show time, date, battery status, notifications, and more, of...

Learn to Disable Huawei P20 Pro Always On Display

One of the benefits of the P20 Pro having an OLED display is that it has the Always-on-Display functionality that many of us cannot live without. How’s that even possible? Well, an Always On Display will always be there to...

Discover Galaxy Note 9 Secure Folder

There could be plenty of things on your phone that you don’t want anyone else to see. I’m not here to judge, but I actually know how important your passwords are or those crazy photos from the last night party....

Learn to Password Protect your Chrome Browser

Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers available for almost all mobile and computer platforms. Despite of that, when compared to the nearest competitor Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome falls in short due to the lack of any sort...

Setting your Online Status to Invisible on WhatsApp

Hiding WhatsApp online status isn’t something officially supported by the app, but don’t you imagine that it is impossible either. I mean, you cannot just turn it on and off, but a few simple tricks will help you setting your...

Share WiFi Password as QR code on Android

If your friends want to get on your Wi-Fi, I totally get you if you hate the idea of having to share your password. Dictating the password to each of them with the caps lock and special character can be...

Install GBWhatsApp 6.40 APK on your Android device

There are many WhatsApp Mods available like YOWhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus etc., but GBWhatsApp is considered to be the best of all by many users and I tend to agree. GBWhatsapp makes me think of nothing else than Whatsapp+ in terms...