4471 Search results

For the term "play".

Learn to Change Pixel 3 XL Display Colors

With your Pixel 3 XL model, you basically get the most refined version of Android available on any smartphone, but it’s obviously that you want even more than that. Some say that you get a great package for £869 with...

How to Change Display Colors on your Pixel 3 Device

If you have in mind super smooth and fluid performance, a great screen, Android 9 Pie with three years of updates, and a fantastic camera, you’ve most likely found your dream phone. The Pixel 3 is Google’s third attempt when...

Prolong Display Lifetime on your Android

Normally, there are two main areas to focus your attention towards when it comes to keeping your phone fast and performing: data storage and battery capacity. When your data storage is close to full, don’t be surprised by the fact...

Enable Always-on-Display on your Huawei P20 Pro

Your Huawei P20 Pro has an Always On Display, similar to the Samsung Galaxy series, which can display various information details on the home screen. You can have your screen to show time, date, battery status, notifications, and more, of...

Learn to Disable Huawei P20 Pro Always On Display

One of the benefits of the P20 Pro having an OLED display is that it has the Always-on-Display functionality that many of us cannot live without. How’s that even possible? Well, an Always On Display will always be there to...