7261 Search results

For the term "android".

Take Xiaomi Mi A1 Launcher APK on your Android Device

One of the many reasons why people love using an Android device is because this is the operating system that offers the freedom of personalization and customization not found on any other mobile OS. It is flexible and perfect for...

Get HTC U11 Plus Launcher APK on your Android

With so many free launchers, the truth is that it is pretty difficult to compete in the Android Launcher space. Those paid popular options such as Nova Launcher Prime or Action Launcher V3 can truly make your day brighter, but...

Learn to Create Accessibility Shortcut on Android

I do a lot of accessibility testing on Android devices and I discovered plenty of interesting things in time. While iOS allows you to triple-click the home button, that simplified function is not yet available for Android. However, you can...

How to Get FaceTime for Android with Line

FaceTime is one of the most exciting features that the iPhone and iPod touch have to offer and even us, as Android users, admit that there is something special about it. It is great to see the person you’re talking...

Grab Google Go on your Android Device

Many users don’t use the official apps of their favorite web services. It makes use of some heavy background processes to make the app fully functional and this effect drains the phone’s battery, which is the biggest reason why entry-level...