523 Search results

For the term "Facebook".

How to Charge Samsung Galaxy S7 Wirelessly

Samsung Galaxy S7 is available around the world and it seems to be some of the best phones released at the moment. However, the owners don’t always use it at its full capacity as they don’t know everything about it or as a...

How to Manage Galaxy S7 Accounts

Last year I spent the majority of my time with Samsung’s Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge smartphones. When my time with these phones was done, I was so excited about the company’s new arrivals. The story is pretty much...

Install Amplify Battery Extender on Android

There is something that many of you cannot control. You love your Android phone especially thanks to the fact that the device seems to be able to give you all: I am talking about social networking, gaming, video and music,...

How to Solve the LG G5 Fast Charging Issues

I don’t know what you are thinking, but I strongly believe that LG G5 is indeed one of the best Android smartphones that money can buy as of now. At a first look, you might be easily tempted to say...

How to Turn off Galaxy S7 NFC

Your Galaxy S7 smartphone is one of a kind, that’s for sure, but its TouchWiz is still as bloated as ever and I bet that this is not what you have in mind. Samsung’s skinned version of Android has always been...