3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

Use HiPER as a Scientific Calculator

Everyone was amazed when calculators shrunk to the pocketable size decades ago. Literally amazed, but things are even better now. These days you practically have an Android device that fits in your pocket with more computing power than you could...

Install Xposed Framework on Samsung Galaxy S7

Many low-level tweaks can normally be performed on Android by flashing a custom ROM at your choice. However, if you want even more than that for your Samsung Galaxy S7 device, then the Xposed Framework allows you to modify your...

Earn Some Extra Money with Streetspotr on Android

Earning money isn’t an easy thing to do these days, but sometimes the Android world is where you tend to look the less a possible help. Could an Android app be your salvation? Don’t you imagine that an app can replace...

Snake ’97 can be once again enjoyed as an App

Even if there are so many high graphics games available, there are still plenty of gamers who just love the retro games category. Yes, there are still classic gameplays for nostalgic Android users, as well as hard-core enthusiasts and today...

Grab the Quick Dictionary App on Android

Not many of you know the fact that Google has a popup dictionary functionality in the Google Play Books app, but this is happening as long as it never went systemwide. This function is also available via mods on some...

How To Root Galaxy S7 with CF-Auto Root

Rooting is a procedure that many Android users cannot live without. With rooting, you can use Titanium Backup to restore all of your apps and data, disable bloatware, block ads in apps with the help of ad blockers, install amazing...

How to Draw on Allo Photos and Add Text to Them

Whatsapp is currently the most popular chat app in the world with more than a billion users, but Allo might change that. The new app has a clean design, a very easy-to-use and attractive interface and some special features that...

How to Play Q*bert: Rebooted on Android

Can you still recall some of the amazing games that people that you were used to playback in the 90’s? There’s nothing more memorable than those games that made you feel alive, that challenged you and made you think that the...

How to Edit your Videos with InShot

I bet that your Android phone is pretty good at many things and this includes taking photos of your special moments and recording videos. We all like to do that – to shoot videos – in order to preserve life...