3791 Search results

For the term "Google".
Enjoy Android 6.0 Marshmallow on Galaxy S I9000

Enjoy Android 6.0 Marshmallow on Galaxy S I9000

It would be great if all Android phones could upgrade to Android 6.0 Marshmallow as soon as new software is released, but you know that such a thing is simply not possible. However, for Samsung’s Galaxy S I9000 device owners,...

Preserve Old Photos to your Android Smartphone

If you are addicted to your beloved smartphone, there is a big chance to use it for everything that you can. You already know that the latest Android smartphones can archive thousands of new memories in pictures and videos and...

How to lnstall CM 13 on Galaxy Note 3 by Temasek

Galaxy Note 3 owners can consider themselves as being lucky as long as they have the chance to enjoy the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow update. It’s true that I am only talking about CyanogenMod 13 ROM, but this option is...

Install Ditto Note 5 ROM on Galaxy Note 4

Have you heard that the Electron Team has provided Galaxy Note 4 users the latest Ditto Note 5 ROM (DN5) featuring the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow and all the latest feature from the Galaxy Note 5? Is this what you...