1339 Search results

For the term "Note 8".

Take InFocus M812 Stock Wallpapers

I know the fact that InFocus is not the most popular company and everyone knows that too, but not all of you are currently looking to buy a high-end device or to buy an Android handset at all. That is...

Take Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Stock Wallpapers

All the official stock wallpapers of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 have been leaked, so why not giving them a closer look? Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is one of the most powerful Android handsets of the moment, but the truth is...

Scan and Annotate with Android Evernote

The most recent Evernote for Android update comes with a set of features that I bet you’ll love in no time! It seems that the app can automatically detect things like business cards and post-it notes and you even have...