Radu Nicolae

How to Customize Galaxy S8 Audio Profile

The Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone is one of the most talked about models in the past few months thanks to its gorgeous look, infinity display, awesome camera, and not only, but that set of audio settings is still somehow hidden...

Enable Developer Options on your Galaxy S9 Plus

You don’t need to have a rooted Galaxy to appreciate what developer options brings to the table. You can simply choose to enable Developer Options on your Galaxy S9 Plus since the Developer Options has many useful features that can...

Set Background process limit on your Galaxy A8 Plus

Does limiting Android’s background processes improve performance and battery life on your Galaxy A8 Plus device? Well, it certainly does and it is only up to you to optimize the performance, and improve the user experience on your Samsung Galaxy...

Skype Lite Saves your Agonizingly Slow Device

Are you afraid to try out the lite version of your favorite Skype app? While you usually miss out on certain features—the stripped-down version of Facebook Messenger, has no video calling, Google Go lacks the popular the Google Feed —you’ll...