400 Search results

For the term "screens".

Enable Dark Mode on your Huawei P20 Device

Screens have become a part of our lives, making their way into almost every part of work and fun time. Did I say “almost”? I actually think that “every” is a better term to describe the situation that we are...

Learn to Enable Dark Mode on Huawei P20 Pro

The truth is that there is no surprise that the health impacts of screen time have become a major concern for all of us, since there’s no sweet way to deal with interrupted sleep cycles and severe eye strain. Do...

Prolong Display Lifetime on your Android

Normally, there are two main areas to focus your attention towards when it comes to keeping your phone fast and performing: data storage and battery capacity. When your data storage is close to full, don’t be surprised by the fact...

How to Enable App Drawer on Huawei P20 Pro

You know that the P20 Pro has been one of the top rated flagships to come out this year. On top of standard Android, Huawei attaches its very own skin, EMUI and Emotion UI offers some amazing customization options, so...

Promote your Wallpaper or Homescreen with Screener

Capturing an Android screenshot is easy, I am sure that you know that. After you capture your screen, you can view, edit, and share what’s on your Android device with everyone, but things go beyond that. Android device manufacturers know...

Prevent Accidental Touches on your Note 9 Device

As display technologies have got better and better in time, the truth is that touchscreen sensitivity has severally improved. The touchscreens on mobile devices rarely act up, and even if they do, there are plenty of ways for easily resolving...