903 Search results

For the term "Galaxy Note 8".

Write with White Ink Again on your Note 9

When I used Samsung Note devices a few years ago, there wasn’t too much to say about the included S Pen. Now, with the latest Note 9, there is a lot you can do with the S Pen and you...

How to Link your Note 9 with the S Pen

On a first glance, you won’t most likely notice any major differences between the Note 8 and 9, unless you choose one of the more eye-catching color options, so I get your confusion. However, remember that Samsung’s Note family has...

How to Enable Flaw Detection on Galaxy Note 9

Just as many other Samsung’s other major phones from the last couple of years, the Galaxy Note 9 brings very little in terms of design changes, but it’s OK. Well, don’t get me wrong, I also dream of the best...

Discover Air Command in Galaxy Note 9 S Pen

You have probably heard that you can communicate in new ways with the Note 9 S Pen and you are lucky enough to discover that now. Pair up that stylus with Samsung’s flagship, and the Note 9 becomes a powerhouse...