2097 Search results

For the term "enable".

Make Android Oreo Automatically Enable Wi-Fi

You are used to disable Wi-Fi on your Android phone to improve battery life, which is great! But how many times have you forgotten to enable it again, ultimately eating up some of your limited mobile data when you could’ve...

oneplus 6 black friday offer

Enable Reading Mode on your OnePlus 6

Specialists claim that blue spectrums of light are bad for your eyes, especially at night when you’re more likely to be looking at your phone in a dark environment. This also supposedly leads to poor sleep, which then leads to...

Learn to Enable Automatic Updates on Android

The apps that you have installed on your Android device need to be updated from time to time. Whether the latest update ads some additional features and functionality, or maybe it simply tries to fix a problem that was discovered...

How to Enable Galaxy S9 Driving Mode

Your Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphone comes with many useful features, and one of them is the Driving mode, which is designed to help users access their phones while on the wheel. Is this the one that you were interested about?...