Read when you Have Time using Android Chrome Browser

Having trouble finding time to read? Then, I know what you must be thinking of. Do you want to save all of the interesting articles, videos, song lyrics, cooking recipes, or whatever else you come across while browsing? Join the club! I also want to save the latest stories, news, articles and videos from any device, and any publisher or app. Then, I want to take my time for reading and watching what I love the most.

Some say that bookmarks are so last decade. If you find an article online that you want to save for a later reading, stick it in one of those great apps that save articles and sync them to all your devices, without ads or unnecessary formatting. Some of them even let you read them offline. Or they have bookmarklets, which you can add to your browser’s bookmarks toolbar.

Other apps let you tag specific stories, discover new articles that are trending, or even view stories that friends or colleagues recommend.

There are indeed a few apps which are much more powerful than the browser options on Android. However, what could be any easier than the procedure described below? You are about to find out the answer to that.

Use the Chrome browser

Yes, you can simply use Chrome to help you read when you have time. There is a tiny setting that can help out enhancing your productivity and eliminating annoyances that slow you down.

So, how to get there? On an Android phone using the Chrome browser, you just have to long press a link and then select “Download link.” This will save the story for reading at another time, just as you want.

When you are finally free, you can access it by tapping the menu button and then selecting “Downloads.” It’s a piece of cake, right? If you feel the same, keep on using this tiny feature on your Chrome browser. And if you don’t, start exploring more options. There’s always something for everyone of us.

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