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Download VLC for Android 2.5.0 APK

If you want to play video or music files in just about any format, VLC media player is probably what you are looking for, even if you don’t know it yet. VLC media player is a very popular open source...

PicsArt Photo Studio and Its Latest Update

PicsArt has been around for quite a long while and no one has any sort of doubts regarding its place in the list of the best photo editing and collage making apps on Android, even in 2018. This is literally...

oneplus 6 black friday offer

Enable Reading Mode on your OnePlus 6

Specialists claim that blue spectrums of light are bad for your eyes, especially at night when you’re more likely to be looking at your phone in a dark environment. This also supposedly leads to poor sleep, which then leads to...

Galaxy S9: How to Change the DNS Server

As you know, your DNS lets you surf the internet and easily find sites with needing to memorize an IP address. You must have heard of it in the past, but something tells me that you didn’t take the time...

Check Current Month’s Usage from Android

The truth is that no user wants to go over their monthly data plan. Carriers will charge you expensive overage fees that you are not prepared for or may throttle your data once you hit your plan’s usage limit. People...

Discover HTC U12 Plus Edge Sense 2 Feature

The HTC U12 Plus is finally here and already makes quite an impression with its sophisticated design, premium materials and updated features. I have no idea if all these are enough to face the competition from China and Korea, yet...