device: LG

LG V30: How to Apply a Custom Ringtone to a Contact

Everyone likes to know who’s calling before picking up the phone, and the easiest way to achieve that is to apply a Custom Ringtone to specific contacts. That way, when your LG V30 device phone starts blasting “Like a boss,”...

Create your own Ringtone on LG V30

With the increasing popularity of the LG V30 device, more and more people are also showing an increasing interest in knowing more about the handset. There are certain things that you need to know in order to get the best...

LG G7 will allow you to Get Rid of the Notch

Those of you who’re planning to buy an Android phone (released in 2018) might be lucky to spot one without a notch. I know that this has turned into a deciding factor for many buyers and I get your point....

Learn to Install Adobe Flash Player on LG V30

While browsing the Internet on your LG V30 smartphone, you may have come across a grey field with the classical information “this plugin is not supported”. In most cases it is about the lack of Flash Player plugin and you...

How to Recover Contacts in LG V30

Your LG V30 smartphone suddenly crushes and there is no way to make it work again? Each of us has experienced such an unpleasant situation at least once in life and I know that you must think of one of...

Change Wallpaper on your LG V30 Device

Phones tend to become the center of our lives. They hold our most important information, let us access the best music and latest games, store photos and videos of the best moments of our life and more. So, it’s no...

How to Solve Emojis Not Showing on LG V30

Why can’t I see emoji on my LG V30? I’ve heard this question too many times up to now in order to believe that there is no problem at this chapter. These days show us that emojis play a great...