413 Search results

For the term "Windows".

Learn to Control any Android Device from Laptop/PC

Most of us use Android phones devices out of necessity rather than as fashion accessories. Android devices can lift a heavy burden off your shoulder, especially for those who multitask a lot, if you know how to use them. And...

Grab Netflix 4.2.1 APK for Android TV

If you own an Android handset, then you will likely have heard of an APK file at some point, so this is no strange term for you. Understanding this is essential if you want to start downloading some of those...

Install Android Oreo on Galaxy S7 Exynos Version

The sad truth is that in many countries, the Android Oreo update for Samsung Galaxy S7 is far from being completed. A few months ago, Samsung was forced to stop the release of Android Oreo update for Samsung Galaxy S7...

Learn to Flash Android P beta on Nokia 7 Plus

Unlike it happened in the past, the Android P public beta is no longer limited to Google Pixels. Thanks to Project Treble, it’s now possible for other non-Google users to enjoy the public beta of Android P on their devices...

How to Unlock Bootloader on your Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1

Unlocking your Android phone’s bootloader, contrary to popular belief, it’s actually fully supported on many phones. There are two kinds of phones in this world: those that give you the chance to unlock your bootloader, and those that don’t. Whether...

Delete Duplicate Music from your Galaxy S9

Your Android handset often acts like a garage where all unnecessary junk is stored even without knowing it. This junk includes a lot of unnecessary files such as log files, cookies, cache files, duplicate files and many other junk files...